Review: Princess Cut & Purity

Discussing sexual purity with your children at any age might seem a sensitive topic to some. But, as believers, we are encouraged to start this process very early on so that when our children mature into young adulthood they have a clear understanding of what the word says and how to apply the principals. That’s why I was truly excited to watch and review the Princess Cut movie by Watchman pictures.

Princess Cut is a movie about a young Christian woman dealing with the process of being pursued and dating. So many things were touched on during this film. Since I don’t want to give away the plot here are a few details on the topics covered.


The first thing that I noticed about this movie was that the young lady was still living at home. In this day and age, people are so set on pushing their children out of the house when they turn 18, upon the revelation that they are grown adults. I was elated to see that she was still at home and her family was still a major part of her life with her father being the forefront. I was also grateful that he wanted to meet the men that were interested in her and as a result of those conversations he was able to tell her who was good and bad. You are never too grown for parental advice and while your parents are alive you should appreciate their presence and wisdom in your life.


Another thing that was fascinating to me was that the whole family supported her desire to live for God and save herself for marriage. Her youngest brother even puts out a newspaper add about her ability to make delicious mac and cheese. This shows that what the parents are speaking and living is being soaked in by him. Her father’s love was portrayed when he worked hard to provide but was still present in their lives. A mother’s love and comfort were showcased by being there as a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear when she needed to vent.


This film touches on parts of friendships that can be quite sensitive. Sometimes your friends appear to have your best interests at heart but their secret desire is just to keep you on the same level. Your friends should honor your decisions, especially as a Christian, and they should also act accordingly. Insecure friends will also try to use you to act out their desires.


I thought it was so fitting that the love interest was not initially desired. I honestly think this seems to be the case for a lot of successful relationships, mine in particular. The chase makes the love story all much more intriguing, funny, and memorable in movies as well as a real life. Plus we know what we “allegedly want” but God knows what we actually need.


I enjoyed the repeated standard for abstinence (celibacy was also touched on) and I was proud of her for holding true to her convictions. We also teach our children not to kiss prior to marriage because it can lead to so much more. Finally, I was happy about the importance of dating with the intention to marry. I believe that if more Christians held to this standard during their pursuit of others then we would have more successful marriages. It is truly sad that in this day and age the Christian divorce rate is the exact same, and higher occasionally than that of the United States.

Overall Princess Cut by Watchman Pictures was fun to watch and should spark a conversation about purity with older children. This can also be a great opportunity to discuss celibacy amongst family and friends as well as young adults. I’ve already watched it twice and have several friends interested in purchasing it too.

CLICK HERE to read additional reviews by the Homeschool Review Crew.

Currently, this film is available in DVD and Digital formats. You can also purchase the soundtrack for this film. Check out the trailer for this film via this YouTube video.

Make this week grand,

Ta’Neisha K.

Published by Ta'Neisha K.

Wife to a great husband. Mother to great children. My family is my ministry.

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