Improve Speech, Attention, or Memory with Forbrain

The Forbrain, by Sound for Life LTD, is a headset designed to aid peoplke with speech, language, attention, or memory difficulties. I was super excited to use this product with Bam Bam during the review period.  

Here are a few specs on this device:

  • The filter trains the brain to be more attentive improving auditory  processing and sensory integration. 
  • This device works to improve speech fluency,  pronunciation,  sound discrimination, and rhythm to enhance communication. 
  • Uses bone conduction to transmit the sound of your voice faster and with greater clarity.
  • This device is designed for use with children ages 3 and up as well as all adults, for fifteen minutes 5-6 times a week. 

During our time with this device we used it on Bam Bam once a day for approximately fifteen minutes. Currently in speech he is perfecting letter blends and I hoped this product would allow him to perfect his problem areas. We used the device while watching a speech video from YouTube that included verbal exercises. Bam Bam was able to practice the phrases from the video with no issues while using this product.  

Throughout the past few weeks Bam Bam has perfected a few problem areas in his communication and moved forward in the speech program.  Prior to using the Forbrain he was already moving along quite well but having this device has made his speech practice at home more fun.  Daily speech exercises have been a part of Bam Bam’s routine this entire year so I can’t confirm that the Forbrain aided significantly in his weekly improvement. The device definitely gave him something different to peak his interest over the past few weeks and for that I’m grateful.  

Overall, we’ve  enjoyed using the Forbrain by Sound For Life LTD during Bam Bam’s daily speech . I believe the old adage “practice makes perfect,” is true; therefore improvement through consistency will automatically occur.  If you want to improve any area of your life, take initiative and follow through by doing the work.  If speech, attention, memory, or language are your noted areas that need improvement, this device might help you commit to practicing and perfecting them.

Be sure to check out additional reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew by clicking this perfect hyperlink. 
Make today grand,

Ta’Neisha K. 

Published by Ta'Neisha K.

Wife to a great husband. Mother to great children. My family is my ministry.

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