REVIEW: Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek!

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This year Team KEMP Academy decided to learn Greek with the help of a curriculum created by Karen Mohs of Greek ‘n’ Stuff.  For approximately five weeks we have been learning this language via the Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level 3 Set which includes the Student Workbook, “Full Text” Answer Key, Flash Cards, and the Pronunciation CD.



Going through this language as a family has definitely been fun, interesting, and full of adventure.  The Greek language has often been associated with higher education, finer lifestyles, and biblical scholarship so one might find it initially intimidating.  At first, I was a bit hesitant in attempting to learn Greek because my only familiarity of the language included a few mythology lessons in high school and several academic organizations in college.  Growing up in the south I’ve also heard quite a few preachers break down scripture using Greek which was always a sign that they attended seminary.  However, after a quick discussion with the family, Bear had convinced us all that we could handle the language and shouldn’t skip out on the opportunity to truly try something we’re not familiar with.  A few weeks in and I’m so glad we all listened to the courageous Kemp.


Even though we are newbies at this language, Level 3 is recommended because it starts with a review of the Greek alphabet as well as previously taught vocabulary from Level 1 and Level 2.  Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level 3 Set is thirty-six lessons which include reviews, plenty of activities to practice reading and writing, and bible copy work.  To complete the bible copy work a Greek interlinear version of the New Testament and blank journal/notebook must also be purchased.  Bible copy work begins with the book of John and students are encouraged to start copying only one word each session and add more as they progress in the curriculum.  This allowed practice of correctly placing accents, punctuation, and breathing marks.


The provided schedule of lessons suggests students complete one lesson in the student workbook per day.  Our homeschool will continue to complete a lesson daily, Monday through Thursday during the upcoming school year.  The Flash Cards were located in the back of the Student Workbook and I just cut them out, affixed them to colored paper, laminated the set, and placed them in Ziploc bag for storage.  The process didn’t take long but you can also purchase the Flash Cards on a Ring to avoid having to personalize your family’s set of flash cards.  The Pronunciation CD is definitely a MUST HAVE because there were a few words that I have been mispronouncing.  If it wasn’t for the CD, I would’ve never known and definitely could have passed my ill-informed Greek to my children.  The alphabet song is easy to learn, teach to others, and would be a great way to introduce the language to young children.  I even found myself singing it to the preschool class during Vacation Bible School.


Overall I thing this will continue to be a good fit the Team KEMP Academy because it introduces the language in small doses and has plenty of repetition.  Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level 3 Set  breaks down the language all while including activities that challenge you to dig a bit deeper and increase knowledge daily.  The courageous Kemp, Bear, has enjoyed using these items and never forgets to practice the flash cards everyday.  Funny that I have to remind him to clean his room, but he reminds me to practice Greek ‘n’ Stuff.  I wonder why…

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You can check out additional Homeschool Review Crew blog posts featuring more products offered by Greek ‘n’ Stuff via this multilingual hyperlink.  There you will find reviews on the Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! – Level 2 as well as several KJV and NIV bible studies including Jonah & Ruth, Esther, I Samuel, and Acts.


Κάνει πλάκα αυτή την εβδομάδα,

TaNeisha κ.




Published by Ta'Neisha K.

Wife to a great husband. Mother to great children. My family is my ministry.

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