Homeschool Rescue by Only Passionate Curiosity

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I had an early access opportunity to take (and subsequently review) a course called Homeschool Rescue, created by Only Passionate Curiosity.  This course was put together with a variety of homeschool parents in mind including those who are need help restructuring their homeschool or are currently frustrated and maybe even burnt out with their current education experience at home.  Throughout this course I have been able to take a thorough examination of how I homeschool, include options for my children’s specific learning styles, and even fine tune my household cleaning schedule.

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I was actually really excited to try this program because I am often asked for tips and advice on how to assess your homeschool.  Every Spring I sit down to look at what I’m teaching, how I’m teaching it, and determine whether or not it is effective based on my children’s responses, their own personal opinions, and our one-on-ones.  So, this course came at a perfect time because I was already doing this process on my own but using this course allowed me to take an even deeper look into Team Kemp Academy.  This is a self-paced, 8 week course that includes video lessons, homework, resources, and even a private support connection group through Facebook.  And to top it all off you get LIFETIME ACCESS to every piece of this program and all of the benefits.

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 During this course Heather walks you through self-examination, household organization, homeschool goals, lesson planning, curriculum selection, decluttering, and various other things.  Each homework assignment was something that couldn’t be done in three or four minutes.  Honestly most tasks required you to take a long and even hard look at yourself and the effectiveness of your teaching.  I love that Heather provided additional help in understanding how your children learn and ways that you can immediately update your approach so you can teach them efficiently.  Some of the course didn’t apply to me, not because I didn’t need to do it but because we’d already completed it in our initial year of homeschooling.  Those moments felt great because it reminded me that I was on track and provided an opportunity to look over our family rules, homeschool mission statement, and family education goals.  In addition, the portion about high school and teenagers doesn’t quite apply yet because our oldest is only nine and doing 5th grade work.  However, I did watch those lesson videos and view the homework, both of which I think they will be appropriate for those who need them. 

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Finally, I want to talk a little bit about the Facebook group which I love so much.  I love that I could glean encouragement, support, and motivation from other homeschooling parents.  There a couple times that I wanted to ask questions and logged on only to find out that someone had posted the exact same question.  For example, I was able to get tips about the learning styles assessment and results prior to taking it so I was already prepared based off of information from the Facebook group.  There were also countless posts providing motivation to continue the course.  Often I felt like I didn’t have the time to devote to this course; however, the posts motivated me to MAKE TIME and see it through until the end.

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So, all-in-all I think Homeschool Rescue by Only Passionate Curiosity would be a good course to take if you are feeling like it is time to update your home education process or if you are having feelings of consistent frustration, irritation, and burnout.  I also think that it is a good course for people who evaluate often like myself, because it allows you to take a deeper look at the way you homeschool.  We could all use a little help and what better way than through wisdom of instruction from a woman that has already walked in your shoes coupled with an online support group full parents who understand.



 As always, for additional reviews be sure to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog post via this magnificent hyperlink.


Make today grand,

Ta’Neisha K.


Published by Ta'Neisha K.

Wife to a great husband. Mother to great children. My family is my ministry.

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